Hi, I'm Nicole.
I spend a lot of time down rabbit holes researching before committing to things. As a result, those who know me often ask me for recommendations on various topics. My intention with this site is to, simply, share my findings with those who are interested in my input.
There are a few things I'd like for you to know about my site:
At this moment, none of the products recommended are sponsored. For our convenience, I have included links directly to the vendor along with Amazon. My ask of you: Where you can, please use the link to purchase directly from the vendor. I much prefer to support those businesses and more of your money will go to them.
My articles are going to feel different than others that you may come across; I did that on purpose. When I read blogs, I find that I get annoyed having to scroll through the full article just to get to the recommendations at the bottom. Wherever it it possible and makes sense, I have put the recommendations on top and, should you want to continue to read more about my story, you are warmly invited to continue to get to know me more by reading on.